Ico report shows first decline in coffee prices after seventeen straight months of increases
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LONDON, UK – The ICO Composite Indicator Price (CIP) for March averaged 194.78 US cents/lb 2022, a fall of 7.6% in comparison with the...
Cocoa Market Report outlines prospects for cocoa production during the 2021/22 main crop
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ABIDJAN, Côte d’Ivoire – Since the beginning of the 2021/22 cocoa year, crop outputs from the two top world cocoa producers i.e., Côte d’Ivoire...
Market reports and weather forecasts are sending coffee prices on a roller coaster ride
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MILAN – Market and weather news are sending coffee futures prices on a roller coaster ride. Ice Arabica futures for December delivery recovered from...
Ico indicator marked its 12th consecutive increase in October reaching new multi-year highs
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LONDON, UK – Coffee prices continued to rise in October reaching new multi-year highs despite improved weather conditions in Brazil, says the ICO in...
Concerns about supply from major origins remain the key factor in the coffee market
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LONDON, UK – The upward trend in coffee prices continued in June 2021 as concerns about supply from major origins remained the key factor...
Usda: world production at 175.5m bags in 2020/21
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MILAN – The Foreign Agricultural Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (Usda) has issued its biannual report “Coffee: World Markets and Trade”...
Ico report cuts world coffee production surplus estimate for 2019/20 to less than 1m bags
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LONDON, UK – In November, the ICO composite indicator rose by 3.6% to 109.70 US cents/lb as prices for all group indicators increased, except...
Ico revises its forecast and estimates a surplus of 952,000 bags for CY 2019/20
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LONDON, UK – The average of the ICO composite indicator in August rose by 10.7% to 114.78 US cents/lb. All group indicator prices rose...
Coffee production in Costa Rica is up this year by 15% to 1.47 million bags
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MILAN – Costa Rica ’s coffee production experienced significant change in the latest crop year, according to the latest report from USDA’s Foreigh Agricultural...
Usda Gain Report sees Brazil 2020/21 coffee crop at a record 67.9 million bags
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SAO PAULO, Brazil – The Agricultural Trade Office in Sao Paulo (ATO) projects coffee production for Brazil in marketing year (MY) 2020/21 (July-June) coffee...