OTAVALO, Ecuador – These days, the topic of wealth inequality and its growth is a topic that consistently makes the news. Here to combat this trend is a pair of small business owners, Josh and Andra Carter, aiming to gift their cafe to their current seven employees, making it completely employee owned.

In the modern world, a common complaint is the fact that over half of the world’s wealth is in the hands of just one percent of the world’s population.

This unfortunate statistic is largely a result of the rise of industry and massive corporations that can find tax loopholes and produce more goods for less money as they become more efficient.

As a result, small businesses are becoming rarer and rarer, and these small businesses are all-too-often pushed out of business by other corporations.

In defiance of this trend, Josh and Andra Carter opened a cafe after their move to Ecuador and named it La Cosecha, meaning the harvest.

The small business thrived for three years, but sadly it is time for the Carters to go back to the United States and leave La Cosecha Ecuador behind.

However, the Carters have made a variety of deep and rich connections with both their employees and their clients over the years; thus, their employees have become more like family members than staff.

In appreciation of these seven employees, the Carters wish to leave the employees with ownership of the cafe itself rather than selling the cafe and leaving the fate of the employees up to some new owner.

By giving all rights of the cafe to the employees themselves, they will each have a secure and well-paying job doing what they love.

In fact, both the Carters and their seven employees are incredibly proud to be listed as the Lonely Planet’s Top Pick for Otavalo and the #1 choice on TripAdvisor for both the city and the province.

The employees hope to continue earning these and other accolades for years to come following the transition of ownership of La Cosecha to the employees.

In addition to supporting the employees, La Cosecha takes pride in supporting its surroundings.

Through locally sourced ingredients ranging from cocoa to veggies to coffee beans, La Cosecha is able to keep the economy of its surroundings moving.

For this to continue, Josh and Andra need to legally change the cafe’s ownership to be 100% employee-owned. To make this possible, the Carters have launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.

Through this campaign, readers can support the employees of La Cosecha and receive gift cards, a La Cosecha Tote Bag, t-shirts, and be listed on a wall of donors. The Carters are excited to give the cafe to their employees, securing bright futures for their seven beloved friends.

To learn more visit the Indiegogo campaign page.