Wednesday 19 February 2025
  • La Cimbali
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Project builds up the capacity of smallholders to produce high quality coffee in Timor-Leste

OÉ-CUSSE, Timor-Leste – On Monday, 29 of November of 2021, the opening ceremony of the Coffee Cooperative in Lakufoan, suco Costa, Pante-Macassar Oé-cusse, was...

Three never before tasted coffees now available at Raw Coffee Company

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – Raw Coffee Company are launching a new coffee origin, with a rich and important story. Calling all UAE coffee...

Raw Material Coffee is launching an urgent flood appeal for Timor-Leste

MILAN — Over 14,000 people have been left homeless, without food or shelter, and are extremely vulnerable following devastating floods and landslides that started...

Vietnamese farmers to receive funding to expand sustainable practices

Thanks to a new deal signed between the Asian Development Bank (ADB), a regional development bank headquartered in Mandaluyong, Philippines and Tokyo-based Japan International...

Timor-Leste: Safer transport infrastructures mean a better cup of coffee

DILI, Timor Leste – “Ita gosta hemu café?” (Do you like to drink coffee?) is a standard greeting when visiting a Timorese home, given that 25% of all households in Timor-Leste grow their own coffee. And drinking fresh coffee in a Timorese home is quite an experience: always strong, black and loaded with sugar, with thick coffee grinds ...

Timor-Leste to hold Second Annual Festivál Kafé Timor 2017 in October

DILI, Timor-Leste – Festival Kafe Timor will return for a second year to the coffee-producing island nation of Timor-Leste this October 21-28th. Activities at the festival will include a national cup quality competition, field visit to rural coffee producing communities for international coffee professionals, cup quality, roasting and ...

Smallholder-farmed heirloom variety wins

DILI, TIMOR-LESTE – Smallholder farmers cultivating Timor-Leste’s signature heirloom coffee variety led the field in the country’s inaugural national cup quality contest. The competition ran...

Timor-Leste forms first coffee industry Association

Key stakeholders representing all segments of Timor-Leste’s coffee industry have come together to form the first professional coffee trade association in the producing origin’s two hundred-year history. The Timor-Leste Coffee Association ...

Coffee import from Timor-Leste to Norway

Realising Norway has never imported anything from Timor-Leste, the embassy’s minister counsellor for Timor-Leste (and coffee addict) Henning Hj. Johansen decided to take the...

National Day of Timor Leste at Expo Milano 2015. President Pereira: “We are proud to be part of the Coffee Cluster”

The National Day of Timor Leste was observed on the first day of September. This day celebrating one of the youngest countries in the...

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