SAO Paulo, Brazil – After the harvesting beginning of early Robusta crops (2020/21), in mid-March, activities started to step up in Rondônia State (RO)...
SAO PAULO, Brazil – Robusta coffee prices recovered in the domestic market in March and the CEPEA/ESALQ Index of robusta type 6, screen 13, Espírito Santo State, returned to levels observed in mid-February. Robusta valuation is attributed to higher demand for the variety from the coffee roasters in Brazil ...
The harvesting of robusta coffee in Espírito Santo, which started in mid-April, was slow in the first fortnight of May. According to Cepea collaborators,...
The harvest of robusta coffee in Espírito Santo state is advancing and it may intensify at the month’s end. Meanwhile, only early grains are being harvested. Many agents point that ...
The state of Rondônia, the second largest producer of robusta coffee in Brazil, started harvesting the 2016/17 crop in March. Producers have been selecting...
Robusta harvest advances in the main producer regions, reports CEPEA - the Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics of the University of São...