MILAN – In its first official forecast for the upcoming season, Brazil’s National Supply Company (Conab) estimates the 2022/23 coffee crop at 55.7 million...
MILAN – In its fourth report for this year, the Brazilian government's food supply and statistics gency (Conab), revised upward its estimate for the...
MILAN – In its second official estimate, Conab forecasts the Brazilian coffee production for crop year 2021/22 at 48.8 million bags, down 22.6% from...
MILAN – Conab, Brazil's national agricultural statistics agency, issued on Thursday its first forecast for crop year 2021/22, pegging production in a range between...
MILAN – In its third report for the year 2020, the National Supply Company (Conab) revised upwards its estimate for Brazil’s 2020/21 coffee output...
MILAN — In its second forecast issued yesterday, the National Supply Company of the Brazilian government (Conab) pegged Brazil's coffee production for 2020/21 at...
PIRACICABA, SP,Brazil – The first estimates for the 2020/21 coffee crop indicate that Brazil should harvest a large volume. On January 16, Conab (National...
MILAN – In its first preliminary projection for crop year 2020/21, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Ibge) pegged coffee production for the...