Lawsuit over coffee warning labels named most ridiculous of 2018
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WASHINGTON, U.S. — A lawsuit targeting California coffee houses for not including warning labels on their products tops the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal...
Fda Commissioner’s official statement on California’s cancer warning war
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The latest research “does not support a cancer warning for coffee,” Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said in a statement issued...
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf continues expansion, opens new store in California
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LOS ANGELES, U.S. — The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, one of the world's leading roaster and retailers of specialty coffee and tea, announced today...
Proposed OEHHA regulation clarifies that cancer warnings are not required for coffee
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SACRAMENTO – The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) today proposed a new regulation clarifying that cancer warnings are not required for...
Coffee’s cancer risk due to acrylamide is under scrutiny also in South Korea
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Following a Los Angeles judge's decision to require Starbucks and other coffee sellers in California to put cancer warnings on their products, South Korea’s...
Coffee sold in California will be required to have cancer warning, judge rules
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MILAN – A Los Angeles judge has ruled that California law requires coffee companies to carry an ominous cancer warning label because of a...
National Coffee Association statement on Wednesday’s Prop. 65 Ruling
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NEW YORK, U.S. — Wednesday’s ruling in a long-standing legal case concerning coffee companies and California’s Prop. 65 has the potential for coffee to...
California-grown coffee generating a buzz among American consumers
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In most coffee shops, you can choose a cup of joe brewed with beans from countries like Ethiopia, Colombia, Costa Rica and Yemen. Now,...
Companies agree to warning labels over the presence of acrylamide
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A protracted and closely watched legal dispute is finally moving towards resolution with 13 companies, including 7-Eleven, recently agreeing to include cancer warnings on...
California’s coffee-growing sector to hold inaugural summit in January
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California's coffee-growing sector is holding its first Summit on January 18 at Cal Poly Pomona, in Los Angeles County. Until recently, American coffee was...