As part of The Coffee Quality Institute’s long term commitment and partnership with the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation and the Colombia coffee industry, CQI’s Executive Director David Roche returned to unite with old and new coffee friends at the annual Expoespecials gathering in Bogota, Colombia. CQI has a registered office in Colombia and is working on projects with many partners.

Says David: “For me, returning to Colombia is always like home and the deep commitment by the Coffee Federation to the sector is unparalleled in the world”. During the conference, David was asked to present during the main technical session where he presented on “Emerging Trends in Coffee Quality Improvement”.

This covers everything from critical trends in genetics, production, processing and sensory science, all of which have changed dramatically in the last 10 years. This was received enthusiastically by the large audience and follow up questions were extensive, which is not surprising in the Colombia coffee industry.

Expoespeciales was very successful this year. It held dynamic talks from federation leaders, was a well-attended trade show, and was garnished with beautiful coffee-themed music and dancing.

In addition to attending Expoespeciales, David used this trip as an opportunity to have meetings with local partners such as SENA, Risaralda Committee, Techno Park and Expocafé.

During these meetings both existing projects and future endeavors were discussed. It’s clear that CQI will not be slowing down their involvement and progress in Colombia anytime soon.

To see the full video of Expoespeciales featuring CQI’s Executive Director David Roche click on the viewer above.