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Tuttofood 2017 trasforms expertise into international business

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MILAN, Italy – The many innovations that TUTTOFOOD 2017 is presenting today are important, ever more timely and effective in representing the wealth of what the various sectors have to offer. The show is to take place at fieramilano in Rho from Monday, 8 May to Thursday, 11 May next year.

These innovations are already capturing the attention of industry professionals: with 8 months from the “cutting of the ribbon” at the show, more than 60% of the exhibition space has already been reserved – in some areas, that has reached more than 70%.

At least 75,000 professional visitors are expected, with 30,000 international buyers from more than 50 countries, and more than 2,000 select hosted buyers.

In only 5 biennial editions, this exhibition has proven to be the leading show in the industry in Italy and among the top three in Europe.

Thus, the Milano World Food Exhibition is taking the well-established legacy of EXPO – which made the city of Milan a touchstone for the worldwide nutrition community – to a whole new level.

This thanks as well to a strategy of agreements with prestigious partners that dominate in the specialized areas with the most promise.

“The common denominator with these innovations – says Corrado Peraboni, CEO of Fiera Milano – is our ability to combine support for business development with high-level sharing of contacts.

This has been a winning formula in the highly experiential world of food & beverage, where industry professionals need to anticipate a very internationalized scenario that is constantly evolving with consumers that are ever more cosmopolitan and informed.

To truly be a business partner, trade-show offerings need to create a system that brings together specific skills, which is what institutions are also asking for today.

TUTTOFOOD has been a pioneer in this approach, and the markets recognize us for that and reward us with constantly growing numbers.”

TUTTOFOOD with Veronafiere for fresh foods and wine

One of the most interesting areas is the fruit and vegetable sector, with consumption numbers growing exponentially.

Thanks to a strategic agreement with Veronafiere, Fruit&Veg Innovation will debut at TUTTOFOOD 2017.

In this area of the show, the finished product will find new development opportunities in terms of the latest evolutions taking place in food & beverage.

Supply and demand will be brought together in an international context. Fruit and vegetables will also be highlighted in terms of their health properties in line with new lifestyles, thanks as well to a full agenda featuring a wide range of meetings and events.

Another result of this agreement is that TUTTOFOOD 2017 will host Wine Discovery, an event managed by Vinitaly International Academy that will present products from Italy and abroad, along with contributions from sommeliers and experts from the winemaking world with promotional and professional training events.

The objective of this space is to identify and explore areas of growth to benefit industry professionals – this includes international areas as well, for an Italian product of excellence that is gaining increasing recognition throughout the world.

New digital frontiers

The agreement with Netcomm, however, is to focus on the opportunities presented by e-commerce.

The Consorzio del Commercio Elettronico will promote the eCommerce Food Lab, a 1,000-square-metre hub presented in collaboration with Digital Events.

It is to promote networking among B2B professionals and will hold workshops and conferences.

The key points of the full agenda of events include technological innovation and “social-media eating.” This area is the first in a series of initiatives on digital transformation in the food industry that TUTTOFOOD will carry out throughout the year thanks to a partnership  with Netcomm.

An ever greater focus on internationalization and the large-scale retail channel

With the objective being to further increase the presence of large international names, TUTTOFOOD has signed a partnership with Daymon Worldwide, a global leader in consulting for the large-scale retail industry.

In addition to involving international chains in a series of B2B events with exhibitors and Italian brands, another more educational aspect of the initiative – the International Retail Academy – is to hold workshops featuring real case studies and contributions from TUTTOFOOD’s  Observatory on themes like store checks, food categories and new trends.

The partnership entered into with the Alleanza Cooperative Italiane – Settore Agroalimentare – which brings together the Fedagri-Confcooperative, Legacoop Agroalimentare and Agci-Agrital organizations ­­– will increase participation at TUTTOFOOD 2017 by important buying groups from the more than 5,000 participating coops.

These coops represent all product categories and include leading names from the Italian large-scale retail channel.

For a healthy, sustainable F&B industry

The new TUTTOHEALTH area will offer a new look at “food that’s good for you.” Not only will it bring visibility to companies that focus on specific target markets (along with those target markets showcased in other area as part of traditional offerings), it will also host important workshops and meetings thanks to a technical committee that will guarantee comprehensiveness and scientific rigor.

At the same time, Spazio Nutrizione is to feature a dialogue between the food/agriculture industry and the academic world.

Organized by the Akesios Group in collaboration with the State University of Milan and many respected medical/scientific companies, Spazio Nutrizione will offer, in different themed areas, a wide range of  conferences on the most interesting advancements in nutritional science as a response to the health-focused demands of consumers.

New data and corporate case histories are also to be presented.

Finally, as a way to address the opportunities offered by a sustainable agricultural/seafood industry, there’s the collaboration with Blue Sea Land, the International Expo of Food Districts of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa.

In addition to having a dedicated area, the agreement includes a collaboration meant to increase the presence of specialized buyers and the creation of a Seafood Academy with conferences, themed workshops and cooking demonstrations.

The many innovations in this next edition reinforce an exhibition concept that brings together under one roof the best examples of the multinational food industry, the big “Made in Italy” brands as well as the small producers of excellence and the most specialized niches.

This continuous exchange among these key players, as they make contacts and do business, is unique in Italy, favouring commercial development as well as continuous innovation.

For more information about TUTTOFOOD:, @TuttoFoodMilano, #TUTTOFOOD2017.

  • Franke Mytico
  • TME - Cialdy Evo

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