Saturday 27 July 2024
  • La Cimbali
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Rancilio, First Malaysia Coffee Tour with Classe 11 Xcelsius

Penang - July, 19, Kuala Lumpur - July 20 and Johor Bharu - July, 21 are three dates to note in the calendar. Classe...

The McDondald’s Marina Cove is inaugurated in Singapore with Rancilio’s stylish excellence

SINGAPORE - On Saturday, 2 July 2016, the McDonald's in Singapore's East Coast Park will re-open its doors after a four-year closure (PICTURE). Located close...

Rancilio with Classe 11 USB Xcelsius for the WOC

Rancilio Group is inviting you at the Dublin World of Coffee that will take place from 23nd to 25th June where the top of the range Classe 11 USB Xcelsius will be the first protagonist on the booth of the ...

Rancilio Group: a winning team (1)

Giorgio Fortini is the new CEO of the Rancilio Group (PICTURE). In this interview he will tell you about his debut and his first months working within a company offering a range of professional ...

Microsoft acquires Solair, the company that has brought the IoT to Rancilio

Microsoft has opened its checkbook once again to buy Solair, an Italy-based IoT (Internet of Things) service provider specializing in connecting devices in workplace settings. Founded in 2011 ...

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