Probat named best managed company for the fourth time in a row
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EMMERICH, Germany - Probat is setting entrepreneurial standards and has once again convinced the panel of experts and the jury of the Best Managed...
Probat publishes first sustainability report for the year 2022
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EMMERICH, Germany - Ecologically compatible, socially fair and economically efficient: these are the overarching goals of the sustainability strategy of Probat, the global market...
Roastpic partners with Probat to offer seamless data integration through simple photography
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EMMERICH, Germany - Roastpic, a new technology spin-off from the University of California, Davis, has partnered with Probat subsidiary and cloud service provider Fabscale...
Probat acquires Royal Duyvis Wiener and significantly strengthens its position in the cocoa and chocolate sector
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EMMERICH, Germany - Following the recent integration of AC Horn Manufacturing, Probat now announces the acquisition of Royal Duyvis Wiener, one of the world's...
Probat accelerates strategic development with acquisition of AC Horn Manufacturing
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EMMERICH, Germany – Probat announces the acquisition of AC Horn Manufacturing, a world-class producer of premium food processing equipment, based in Texas, USA. With...
Probat partners with ReiCat for an even cleaner roasting process and presents ReiCatino
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EMMERICH, Germany - For maximum elimination of visible and odor components from the exhaust air of its specialty roasters, Probat is cooperating with ReiCat...
Probat presents global event map for 2024
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EMMERICH, Germany - From South America to Europe to Asia and digital in between: with a diversified potpourri of live streaming and face-to-face events,...
Probat thanked jubilarians and future retirees for their decades of service
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EMMERICH, Germany - On behalf of the company, the Probat management thanked a total of 13 jubilarians and future retirees for their decades of...
Probat Group member HDM celebrates its 10th anniversary
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EMMERICH, Germany - Ten years ago, Probat expanded its business segment and founded Hamburg Dresdner Maschinenfabriken, or HDM for short to cover the entire...
Jubilarians honored by Probat for 50 years of service to the company
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EMMERICH, Germany – On the occasion of the 50th company anniversary of Manfred Esters and Johannes Kersjes, Probat CEO Wim Abbing invited to a...