Arabica coffee futures reach new highs posting their biggest daily gains since early 2014
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MILAN — Arabica coffee futures surged 10% or 1,765 points on Thursday posting the largest daily gain since early 2014. The most active contract...
Damages to Puerto Rican coffee farms from Hurricane Maria varied, says study
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ANN ARBOR, U.S. — University of Michigan ecologists Ivette Perfecto and John Vandermeer have studied Latin American coffee farms for a quarter century, and...
Ice Arabica strongly down on Monday, frost damages still being assessed in Brazil
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MILAN – Frost concerns in Brazil eased Monday after preliminary reports said that there was only limited damage to coffee trees in Brazil's coffee-growing...
Coffee Board sees India’s output down by 20% due to floods in key regions
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India’s coffee output may suffer a 20% loss in 2018/19 because of severe floods in parts of Karnataka and Kerala, a Coffee Board official...
Agreement signed to help restore the coffee industry in Puerto Rico
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SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – Puerto Rico Agriculture Secretary Carlos Flores has signed an agreement to help producers and greenhouse and nursery operators restore...
Water shortages will seriously affect Vietnam’s production, warns VICOFA
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MILAN - Drought and water shortages in country's central highlands will “seriously affect” the next Robusta crop, according to the Vietnam Coffee and Cocoa...
Fighting coffee rust in Latin America
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One of these diseases is coffee leaf rust, or “la roya”, which is an increasing problem for Latin American producers. In 2012-2013, some Latin...