South Korean workers drink 2 cups of coffee every day, spend US$100 a month
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SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea has long been one of the world’s largest ‘coffee republics,’ with a coffee market estimated at up to...
Coffee Holding reports results for fiscal year ended October 31, 2017
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STATEN ISLAND, N.Y., U.S. – Coffee Holding Co., Inc. has announced its operating results for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2017. “The 2017 fiscal year marked a turning point for us following several years of declines as we increased our revenues during the last two quarters, replacing almost …
Zurich has world’s most expensive coffee
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A comparison of coffee prices in 75 cities around the world places four Swiss cities in the top five. At an average price of CHF 3.47, Zurich came out top, followed by Copenhagen (3.22), Basel (3.21), Bern (3.07) and Geneva (3.02). The best prices were in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paolo in Brazil ...
El Niño takes a heavy toll on Vietnam
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Since the end of 2015, unusually dry conditions and sparse rainfall attributed to El Niño have caused water scarcity and significant damage to crops...
Olam International reports strong operational results for 12M 2015
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SINGAPORE - Olam International Limited (“Olam”, “the Group” or “the Company”) today reported its results for the quarter (“Q4 2015”) and 12 months ended...
The Green Room: Coffee, Costs, Birds & Beans
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By DAVID FAIR & BARBARA LUCAS 80 percent of Americans drink coffee, and global consumption is projected to rise by 25% in the next five...
K-Cups: a Single-serve Coffee Drinker’s Guide to Cutting Costs
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By Patricia Lopez* TOMBALL, TX (KTRK) -- If you use K-Cups to get your coffee fix in the morning, you know it can get pricey. But...
CANADA – Tim Hortons hikes coffee prices on higher costs
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As announced last week, coffee prices at Tim Hortons jumped on Wednesday by an average of 10 cents a cup. Tim Hortons prices vary across...
US – Kraft Foods Group to raise Gevalia coffee price by 7%
MILAN – Kraft Foods Group Inc will increase the price of its premium Gevalia brand coffee by about 7%, effective July 28. The decision...
US – Starbucks announces hike in prices
MILAN – Starbucks is planning to raise prices for certain coffee beverages this week, according to a Wall Street Journal report. Beginning Tuesday, some...