Tuesday 18 February 2025
  • La Cimbali
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coffee berry borer

Wasps could limit the coffee berry borer impact in Hawaii plantations

MĀNOA, Hawaiʻi – In the coming months, Hawaiʻi coffee growers will have their very own tiny version of Marvel’s superhero, Wasp. Virtually invisible to...

Hawaii Coffee Association presents first ever Legislator of the Year Award

KEALAKEKUA, HI, US – The Hawaii Coffee Association (HCA) presented Senator Dru Mamo Kanuha (D-Kona, Kaʻu) with its first ever Legislator of the Year...

Cenicafé makes public for first time the complete sequence of coffee berry borer genome

BOGOTÁ, Colombia – Always at the forefront in the global industry, the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC), through the National Coffee Research Center (Cenicafé),...

Agricultural officials confirm coffee berry borer presence on the Hawaii Island of Kaua′i

HONOLULU, Hawaii, U.S. — The coffee berry borer (CBB), one of the most devastating pest of coffee plants, has been confirmed in a residential...

Cabi helps Colombia’s coffee farmers tackle CBB with remote sensing technology

WALLINGFORD, UK – CABI scientists are working in partnership to help Colombia’s coffee farmers fight the devastating coffee berry borer (CBB) (Hypothenemus hampei) pest...

Colombian Growers Federation sees resurgence of the coffee berry borer plague

MILAN – The coffee berry borer is increasingly threatening the coffee sector in Colombia. The beetle had affected 6.2% of Colombian coffee crops as...

Usda reports drop in sales in 2017-18 for the Hawaiian coffee sector

The Hawaiian coffee sector had a disappointing last season with a drop in sales as reduced production overshadowed higher prices, according to a recent...

Papua New Guinea’s coffee industry launches pest prevention efforts

External threats such as pest infestation and adverse weather conditions could reduce earnings prospects for Papua New Guinea’s coffee industry this year, despite efforts...

University of Florida helping save the coffee industry in Papua New Guinea

GAINESVILLE, Florida, U.S. – A University of Florida team’s novel methods are helping farmers at home and abroad fight agricultural pests. An insect no bigger than a grain of rice is threatening coffee worldwide, but a team of University of Florida researchers is using some unconventional thinking to stop it in its tracks.

Papua New Guinea’s coffee industry under threat by coffee berry borer

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea – THE Papua New Guinea Government is expected to announce measures this week to fight the coffee berry borer which threatens the K700 million (US$220 million) industry in the Highlands. Agriculture and Livestock Minister Tommy Tomscoll is expected to make the announcement and invoke ...

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