Tuesday 22 October 2024

HostMilano: the passport to seize recovery in the post pandemic coffee business

- Two simultaneous events to create unique synergies among complementary supply chains throughout Italy - High levels of internationality in support of an expansion abroad will be key to business development in the coming years - Great appeal of the location in Milan, a global trendsetter for the out-of-home and food sectors that confirms its vocation for hospitality - The two macro sectors combined are expected to grow by 6% in 2021-22, while the trade of F&B could rebound up to +12%

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MILAN – The secret to post-pandemic recovery? Internationalization. If export is driving the growth, in Italy excellences such as the supplies for hospitality and out-of-home, our traditional strong point, should be highlighted: as stated in a recent research by PwC, from now until 2024 they will grow at rates between 2.4% and 4.6% per year, according to the industry. In turn, analysts predict that by the end of 2021 Italian agri-food exports will exceed the threshold of 50 billion Euros.

Hostmilano and Tuttofood, a sign of a new start

Luca Palermo, CEO and general manager of Fiera Milano, says: “Thanks to the synergy between TUTTOFOOD and HostMilano, we are putting together two strategic sectors, such as the agri-food and professional hospitality, that represent an excellence of Made in Italy. During the fair, thanks to the presence of more than 2,200 exhibitors from more than 40 countries, we will showcase the best production worldwide.

Our objective, as always, will be to support those companies that are choosing the trade fair as a privileged opportunity to present themselves to the world. That’s why we will match the best of demand with the best of supply: among the confirmed buyers we have operators coming not only from all over Europe, but also from North and South America and the Middle East.

Today, more than ever, trade fairs are a driver of development at the service of companies and industrial sectors and we are proud to say that from 22 to 26 October we will be taking stock of future scenarios. Once again Milan, together with its trade fairs, will confirm its leading role as a catalyst for international meetings and events”.

Internationalization has always been one of the strong points of the exhibitions at Fiera Milano and this approach will be even more effective this year with TUTTOFOOD and HostMilano, which will join forces and present themselves united and compact for the appointment with the recovery.

“Agri-food and furniture are two authentic standard-bearers of Italian quality in the world, and today’s event shows how it is possible to unite different sectors lumped together by similar needs of expansion towards foreign markets.” – declares Manlio Di Stefano, Under Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – “This is the kind of team spirit that both the government and the Farnesina have always tried to encourage, and for this very reason it is satisfying to be able to see a concrete synergy that has long been hoped for within the entire trade fair sector.

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At the Farnesina, we are always at the forefront for the internationalization of our production sectors, starting with that of trade fairs, the real driving force behind our exporting economy and showcase of our excellence. As a result, within the “Extraordinary Plan for the Promotion of Made in Italy” for 2020 and 2021, we decided to allocate 57 million Euros for strengthening the trade fair sector, both in physical and digital form.

Plus, we committed and believed in returning to the physical presence of fairs starting from the last 15th of June. Today’s joint event is a further demonstration that our Country is getting back on its feet and that after the pandemic we are witnessing a rebirth of our production and export capacity”.

“I am particularly pleased to participate in the presentation of the next edition of TUTTOFOOD, that this year will also include Host and Meat-Tech, thus demonstrating the ability of our companies to work as a system and find synergies to expand the audience of visitors and highlight the importance of global supply chains.” – says the President of ICE Agency, Carlo Ferro – “Thanks to the favourable trend of the vaccination campaign, and to the support of the national economic system, we were able to return in presence from the 15th of June and, at the present, date ICE has supported 30 events with the participation of more than 150,000 international visitors.

TUTTOFOOD can count on the presence of 1084 top international buyers from 75 countries, who will have the chance of exploring proposals from more than 2000 exhibitors. In addition to the incoming of foreign buyers and the realization of online B2B, we want to contribute with a corner dedicated to young people, start-ups and innovative companies of the sector so as to give them the opportunity to present themselves and establish important business relationships. This is something I really care about that was conceived long before the pandemic. Good luck to all participants!”

Andrea Toselli, Chairman and CEO of PwC Italy, explains:

“The latest government forecasts gave us positive signs on the growth of our GDP, which is estimated at around 6% year-on-year. According to the findings of the Research Department of PwC, Italian exports, which in 2021 have already exceeded pre-pandemic levels, will reach 532 billion Euros by 2023, with a growth of 24% compared to 2020. The 6.8 billion allocated by the PNRR and the complementary funds in direct support of the Italian agri-food sector, which today represents more than 500 thousand employees, will also have a positive impact. This is an important signal that confirms the key role of Food and Hospitality for the Italian production system, sectors in which to invest for the welfare of the Country. As PwC we are proud to support the trade fair system for the relaunch and internationalization of the excellences of our country in this important phase of recovery”.

TUTTOFOOD will also feature the presence of Filiera Italia, the association that brings together the world of agriculture and the Italian agri-food industry of excellence with the objective of protecting the entire national agri-food chain.

“This edition marks the start of a structured and ongoing collaboration between TUTTOFOOD, Filiera Italia and Coldiretti”, confirms Luigi Scordamaglia, CEO of Filiera Italia. “Today there’s a new way of communicating to the world the excellence of the Made in Italy food sector. Alongside the brand, which is a precious value on world markets, it is becoming increasingly essential to establish an integrated communication that covers sustainable and integrated supply chains, the irreplaceable value of agricultural production, in short, the unique model of the Italian agri-food sector. Which is made of territories, distinctiveness, precision agriculture, research and tradition. This is the model that Fiera Milano, Filiera Italia and Coldiretti will present at TUTTOFOOD, but also throughout the many worldwide events that will follow”.

Never so many synergestyc chains under the same roof at Hostmilano and Tuttofood

TUTTOFOOD and HostMilano will bring together under the concept of “total supply chain” – from semi-finished products to processing and equipment, through purchasing occasions in large-scale retail trade and out-of-home consumption styles – an unparalleled panorama of synergistic value chains, some of which will be explored in depth from a vertical point of view, exactly at the time of the year where the impulse towards a new growth is more intense.

Participating in presence to such an event at this time of the year means adding an important growth factor to the provisions that were put into place for the recovery at national and European level.

Also thanks to the close collaboration between Fiera Milano and ICE/ITA Agency, both events will be attended by a large number of top international buyers: to date, about 1,000 operators from 75 countries have confirmed their presence and will have the chance of visiting both exhibitions to discover new products, business opportunities and supply chain affinities.

Going into detail of the economic data, according to the most recent Food Industry
Monitor, food and food equipment will grow together by about 6% in both 2021 and

With respect to F&B, exports performed well in sectors such as milk and dairy products (+2.9%), cured meats (+3.2%), pasta and bakery (+4.1%) and sweets (+6%), reaching +7.1% for fresh fruit and vegetables and +10.15 for oil. (source: Export Planning). On a global scale, it is expected that in the coming months the full potential of the sector will unfold, taking the annual growth in world trade for 2021 to rates of up to 12%.

Therefore, TUTTOFOOD and HostMilano will represent for all players of the supply chains a unique opportunity

To gather with exhibitors, buyers and professional visitors from all over the world and to understand technology and product innovations, consumer trends and the formats on which to focus in order to develop their business. The benefit of participating in person will generate not only a platform for business matching and networking, but also a moment to share knowledge and skills thanks to an unparalleled schedule of events: the two exhibitions combined will present over 1,000 meetings with high-profile content and
speakers, in collaboration with the most authoritative associations and organizations
from every sector.

The synergies between producers on one side and distribution channels on the other have strongly contributed to the resilience of various sectors during the Covid emergency and beyond. And now the challenge is to keep this prominent role during the recovery, facing all together the important changes that are awaiting the sector.

TUTTOFOOD and HostMilano will be held at fieramilano from 22 to 26 October,
simultaneously with MEAT-TECH.
For more information: www.tuttofood.it


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