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TuttoFood and HostMilano from 22 to 26 October, with 1,800 exhibitors and 1,000 events

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MILAN, Italy – TuttoFood and HostMilano will join forces and present themselves united and compact at the appointment with the recovery, on the same date and location: at fieramilano from 22 to 26 October. The paths of Food & Beverage,Ho.Re.Ca. and Out-of-Home are coming together to build a more solid recovery. It was confirmed by the data of the latest Food Industry Monitor carried out by the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, in collaboration with Ceresio Investors. Together, food and food equipment will record a growth of about 6% in both 2021 and 2022.

Positive signals are also coming from the exports, which are expected to increase by a yearly average of 3% over the two-year period.

Growth opportunities to be seized to their fullest extent

This is also testified by the growth rates estimated for Fiera Milano by Export Planning: for a valuable product such as oil, in the first quarter of 2021 Italian exports have recorded a double-digit increase (+10.1%) compared to the same period in 2019, while fruit and vegetables and sweets registered a growth of 7.2% and 6% respectively. These complementary data confirm the trend according to which consumers are alternating attention to healthy and natural with concessions to comfort food.

Thanks to the strong recovery of the Ho.Re.Ca. segment, the coffee sector will experience a significant growth, with the equipment supported by new investments: according to Export Planning, Italian exports of the Coffee/Coffee Machines/Vending Machines sector will grow by 4.4% per year from now to 2024. The first fundamental driver of growth will be sustainability: it’s not just a matter of numbers, but also of new trends that are going to impose themselves in a post-pandemic that won’t be a return to normality but a new paradigm.

TuttoFood and HostMilano: Never so many synergistic chains under the same roof

In this scenario, TuttoFood and HostMilano will join forces and present themselves united and compact at the appointment with the recovery, on the same date and location: at fieramilano from 22 to 26 October.

With a current overall parterre of about 1.800 exhibitors from more than 40 countries, TuttoFood and HostMilano will bring together under the concept of “total supply chain” – from semi-finished products to processing and equipment, through purchasing occasions in large-scale retail trade and out-of-home consumption styles – and within an unparalleled panorama of synergistic value chains, some of the qualities explored in deep from a vertical point of view, precisely at the time of the year where the impulse towards a new growth will be more intense, coinciding with an increase in GDP that for Italy even the most cautious analysts estimate to be over 5%.

Today, more than ever, trade fairs are instruments of industrial policy: this autumn, taking part to an event in presence will mean adding another important growth factor to the provisions put in place for the recovery at national and European level. Even more so in a location like Milan, that is rapidly regaining its leading role and once again is attracting the interest of foreign investors, confirming its logistical accessibility and vocation for hospitality.

Tools and knowledge to grow your business

For all players in the supply chains, TuttoFood and HostMilano will represent a unique opportunity to gather with colleagues from all over the world – exhibitors, buyers and professional visitors – and to understand the technology and product innovations, consumer trends and formats on which they should focus to develop their business. The benefit of participating in person will generate not only a platform for business matching and networking, but also a moment to share knowledge and skills, thanks to an unparalleled schedule of events. The two exhibitions combined will present over 1,000 meetings with high-profile content and speakers, in collaboration with the most authoritative associations and organizations from every sector.

For example, at TuttoFood should be highlighted Retail Plaza, the reference event for retailers and large-scale distribution in partnership with Retail Institute Italy, that will present, among other things, discussions on Luxury & Curation, the growth of Food Delivery and Last Mile and the increasingly personalised services of tomorrow’s omnichannel Retailing, up to sustainability and the digital evolution of marketing and Grocery transformation, also through the explanation of best practices and conversations with top managers.

Instead, the pride of HostMilano will be SMART Label – Host Innovation Award (with 79 applications submitted this year), organised by Fiera Milano and HostMilano in collaboration with POLI.Design Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano (Milan Polytechnic Consortium), under the patronage of ADI – Associazione Italiana per il Disegno Industriale (Italian Association for Industrial Design), which will be integrated by Digital Talks, a series of in-depth seminars in collaboration with for architects and experts.

A complete, fluid and effective visiting experience, that will allow to delve in detail into each area, and at the same time to explore the supply chains in their entirety in an environment that is expected to be highly international even in this particular year, also thanks to the constant collaboration between Fiera Milano and ICE not only for what concerns the scouting, but also in maintaining and increasing the relationship between supply and demand.

The overview will be completed by the co-presence of MEAT-TECH, the event dedicated to Meat and Ready Meal solutions and technologies. Particular attention will be paid to the issue of safety for all stakeholders at the event, guaranteed through the special protocol Safe Together developed by Fiera Milano, which has already made it possible to successfully hold several events in presence.

TuttoFood and HostMilano 2021 will be held at fieramilano from 22 to 26 October.

  • Franke Mytico
  • TME - Cialdy Evo

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