U.S. Congress members visit Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Union in Ethiopia
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U.S. Government support to the coffee industry through USAID began nearly a decade ago and continues to this day. Through Feed the Future, it...
Ethiopia: Coffee growers earn a better price, protect the environment
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Berhanu Beyene, a soft spoken 45-year old coffee grower in Werka, Yirgacheffe, says what is good for the environment is also good for business....
WORLD OF COFFEE – A trip around the world of coffee aromas: unmistakeable Yirgacheffe returns from the heart of Ethiopia
RIMINI - Sandalj Trading Company, a leading international player in green coffee imports for the Espresso coffee market, is taking part in one of...
UK – Union Hand-Roasted Coffee prove that opposites do attract
LONDON - This Valentine’s Day, Union Hand-Roasted Coffee is reinforcing the age-old saying that opposites do attract, and have created the perfect gift, using...