AgUnity partners with Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union to support their digital transformation journey
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QUEENSLAND, Australia – AgUnity Pty Ltd, a global technology company with a mission to empower smallholder farmers, strengthen farmer cooperatives and promote ethical trade,...
New project helps 130,000 small-scale coffee farmers in Oromia, Ethiopia
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MILAN – Farm Africa has launched a new project to help more than 130,000 forest coffee producers in Ethiopia’s Oromia regional state improve their...
African coffee farmers combat climate change
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Ethiopia is known as the birthplace of coffee, and wild coffea arabica trees are common in Oromia, the nation’s largest and most forested regional...
JAPAN – Ueshima brings Ethiopian forest coffee to bullet train commuters
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Ueshima Coffee Co. (UCC) together with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have organized a promotional event in Japan where bullet train commuters had...
ETHIOPIA – Agency to stimulate private investment in the coffee sector
JIMMA - The Ethiopian Agriculture, Investment and Land Administration Agency has announced the allocation of 3.6 million hectares of arable land to investors engaged...