Anacafé partners with Profileprint to empower Guatemalan coffee farmers with A.I. fingerprinting
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GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala – Anacafé, the Guatemalan National Coffee Association and ProfilePrint, an award-winning Singapore-based A.I. agrifood tech company, announced an alliance to provide...
Anacafé, Funcafé set up collection centers for the victims of the Fuego volcano eruption
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GUATEMALA — The Board of Directors and staff of Anacafé (the Guatemalan National Coffee Association) and Funcafé (the Foundation for Rural Development of the Guatemalan...
Avance, the First SCA Sustainability Conference, held in Guatemala City
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On the morning of October 11, 2017, the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) welcomed over 150 coffee producers, buyers, traders, roasters, and other coffee industry...
Guatemala’s organic coffee exports on the rise
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The National Coffee Association of Guatemala, or Anacafé, announced that total exports of organic coffee increased by between 14% and 21% in annual terms,...
MEXICO – Starbucks donates 180,000 rust resistant coffee plants to farmers in Chiapas
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Starbucks launched TODOS SEMBRAMOS CAFÉ last summer to direct 100% of the profits from whole-bean Shade Grown Mexico Coffee sold in Starbucks stores in...
GUATEMALA – Anacafe presents new coffee rust-resistant variety
Guatemala's National Coffee Association, or Anacafe, announced the existence of a new coffee variety resistant to the leaf rust fungus. The plant, dubbed Anacafe-14, was...
ANACAFE – Coffee shipments down 2.2% in Latin American countries
GUATEMALA CITY – Exports of Arabica coffee from nine Latin American producers fell 2.21% in the first two months of the 2013-2014 harvest over...
ANACAFE – Coffee exports from Latin American up 4.47% in 2012/13
At the end of the current crop, coffee exports in Latin America, excluding Brazil, totaled 29.3 million bags of 60 kilos, according to a...
GLOBAL – Vanderbilt ’s Institute for Coffee Studies examines economic prospects for coffee farmers in Guatemala
NASHVILLE, TN - Economic prospects improved for small mountain farmers in Guatemala when consumers developed a taste for coffee brewed with beans grown at...