Wednesday 23 October 2024

International Contest of coffee roasted

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PARIS – More than 100 coffees from 25 producing countries will be judged in Paris. Great emotions to come especially concerning countries that are already known for their high quality coffees like Colombia, Mexico or countries may be not so famous for their coffee like: Nepal, Tanzania, or Thailand, not forgetting those that are participating in the rebirth of African coffees like Central Republic of Africa, Togo or Cameroon.

Whichever system of certification or assistance given to producers, inexorably, each year share of the value returned to producing countries reduces. However on consumers side, a new passion for coffee is emerging, driven by coffee fanatic baristas or multinational manufacturing capsules.

Through its contest of coffees roasted in their countries of origin, AVPA participates in the gastronomic and economic recognition of producers that are now capable of roasting their great coffees. Just like wine or olive oil producers, they also express passion and ambition that has to be recognized in the for front of the gastronomic capital, Paris

If you want to follow the event directly, and if you want to understand the fantastic economic and social aspects behind this revolution of the coffee market, get hold of some pictures and comments, we propose that you join us on the following days:

The 25th & 26th of May at ALTURA: meeting of the expert jury. Possibility to attend the coffee tasting in condition that you notify us before the date .

Monday the 30th of May, 6th of June, 13th of June at ALTURA , possibility to participate or help out with the tasting of coffee by gastronomes ( chefs and coffee amateurs).

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The 30th of June : Awards ceremony and getting to meet the producers who would have travelled to come and receive their diplomas and the world of young passionate coffee baristas.

From the 4th of July to the 13th of July at Marais district or at ALTURA premises , open tastings of winning coffees at AVPA and in the bars and restaurants of the Marais participating in the operation.” The cafes of Paris receive the coffees of the world”

For more information please contact Marcela Thimonier. At AVPA. +33144548030 or


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