Sunday 27 October 2024

COLOMBIA – Sales of US$1.6 million and additional expectations of USD 10.8 million at first Business Matchmaking Forum

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MEDELLIN – During the first Business Matchmaking Forum between coffee growers and potential clients, which took place in ExpoEspeciales 2014, in Medellín, Colombia, specialty coffee sales of US$1.6 million were materialized and additional business expectations of US$10.8 million were achieved.
This effort is part of a partnership between Proexport (the Colombian government’s promotion agency) and the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) to train and facilitate access of producers interested in direct sales of their coffee to new markets. This process has included 54 seminars and training workshops for coffee farmers, which have taken place in 10 producing regions throughout this year. At the end of 2014, a total of 7,000 farmers are expected to have been trained on international trade issues thanks to this partnership.
“We found that many producers registered as exporters, but did not materialize businesses in a sustained way. For that reason, with the support of Proexport, we are seeking to train and create business opportunities, as regulations are not the obstacle to export, but the capacity to have an effective presence in the international market,” Luis G. Muñoz, the FNC CEO, said.
So, with the purpose of facilitating access of coffee producers and farmer associations to international markets and showcasing production of the highest-quality coffees, the FNC and Proexport joined efforts to carry out this important business matchmaking forum within the framework of ExpoEspeciales 2014, the most important coffee fair in Latin America.
In the matchmaking forum, held on last October 2nd and 3rd in Medellín as part of ExpoEspeciales, 69 Colombian exporters from different regions of the country and 39 international buyers from 15 countries were present.
Buyers interested in the richest mild specialty coffee in the world came from traditional and important markets for Colombian coffee, such as North America (USA and Canada), Europe (Germany, Spain or Belgium, among others) or Japan, as well as emerging markets of growing consumption, such as China and South Korea, and new markets such as Lithuania.
A total of 528 face-to-face meetings took place in the matchmaking forum. It is worth noting that specialty coffees, and particularly micro lots, aroused great interest among international buyers. Each of them dealt on average with 15 face-to-face meetings.
Another aspect to highlight for this business matchmaking forum is that, besides projection of consolidated producing regions such as Huila and Cauca, a boost for such regions as Cundinamarca, Casanare and Caquetá was sought.
This business matchmaking forum was a unique opportunity to make new contacts, allowing exporters to promote their products and know new business opportunities, market needs, trends and interests of potential clients.


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