Sunday 09 February 2025
  • La Cimbali
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Nestlé Research investigates body’s natural ability to resist weight gain

MILAN – The worldwide overweight and obesity epidemic, and weight gain - related health complications such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, have become critical...

Coffee not as bad for heart and circulatory system as previously thought

LONDON, UK – Drinking coffee might keep us up at night, but new research has given us a reason to sleep easy knowing that...

Researchers from Texas document impact of coffee on bowels

SAN DIEGO, Calif., U.S. — Coffee drinkers know that coffee helps keep the bowels moving, but researchers in Texas are trying to find out...

A cup of joe and you’re good to go, under six a day and you’re OK

ADELAIDE, Australia — Latte, cappuccino or short black, a morning cup of joe is an essential for many people looking to kick start their...

Regular coffee drinkers really do wake up and smell the coffee, says research

PORTSMOUTH, UK — Regular coffee drinkers can sniff out even tiny amounts of coffee and are faster at recognising the aroma, compared to non-coffee...

Brits spent £12.3 billion on online groceries in 2018, says Mintel research

LONDON, UK — Brits continue to shop with the click of a button, as according to the latest research from Mintel, last year sales...

Nestlé announces launch of R&D Accelerator to boost innovation and speed-to-market

VEVEY, Switzerland – Nestlé today announced the creation of the Nestlé R&D Accelerator based in Lausanne, Switzerland. The accelerator brings together Nestlé scientists, students...

Coffee on your mind? Just thinking about iIt ‘arouses’ the brain

MILAN – Just thinking about a cup of joe can give you a mental boost, researchers say. "Coffee is one of the most popular...

Polyphenols, found in coffee, may reduce risk of cardiovascular disease

MILAN — A new report from the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC) titled ‘Coffee, polyphenols and cardiovascular disease’ highlights the potential role...

Scientists suggest measures to reduce threat of wild coffee species extinction

MILAN — A new research from the UK’s Royal Botanic Gardens finds that a majority of wild coffee species are now at risk of...

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