Monday 17 February 2025
  • La Cimbali
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Comunicaffè International

Stay Tuned, Comunicaffè International does not close for holiday

The sending of our daily newsletter takes a break beginning Monday 7th August 2017. It will resume on Monday 4th September 2017. However, our Newsdesk will not close for holidays and the portal will be updated on a daily basis. Visit our website regularly for our latest news and share your stories.

Comunicaffè International and our newsletter are now on Facebook. Like us!

MILAN, ITALY - Have you an announcement, event, picture, comment you would like to share about coffee, cocoa or tea? Now ...

Comunicaffè International launches new subscription campaign for 2017/2018

MILAN – Comunicaffè International is launching its subscription campaign for 2017/2018. The annual subscription rate is unchanged at 260 euro. A paying account gives you access to all the resources on our website without limitations. You can pay using your paypal account, your credit card (Stripe) or with a wire transfer.

Comunicaffè International wishes a peaceful Holiday Season, stay tuned for daily updates

Our daily newsletter takes a break for the end of year festivities. However, our news desk will not close for holidays. The portal will be ...

Comunicaffè International is now on Facebook

Have you an announcement, event, picture, comment you would like to share about coffee, cocoa or tea? Now you can do it on our Facebook page. You can also contact us on ...

Comunicaffè International launches new subscription campaign

Comunicaffè International is launching its subscription campaign for 2016/2017. The annual subscription rate is unchanged at 260 euro. You can pay using ... daily newsletter will be back on Wednesday 8th April

The sending of our daily newsletter will be suspended during the during the Easter period. We will be back on Wednesday 8th April. However, our...


MILAN – Comunicaffè International is now on Twitter. Follow us on the account @comunicaffe1 to get the headlines in real time from the portal...

ABOUT US – Comunicaffe International is back!

MILAN – Comunicaffe International is back after almost two months, a month later than announced and scheduled. There is a reason for this. Our...

HOST 2013 – Showcase your products with Comunicaffè International

MILAN - Host 2013 is less than a month away! Also this year, Comunicaffè Internation gives the opportunity to all the exhibitors attending Host...

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